UniversRadio Transponder

Summary :

1- When to use TW(c) UniversRadio Transponder?

UniversRadio Transponder is a virtual MODE1 and MODE3 transponder and Identification Friend or Foe.
It is designed for DCS:FC3 NOTA fighter aircraft. So the F-15C...

An IFF interrogation must be done during a radar locked on.

With UR Transponder :

2- How to use it ?

You will find UR Transponder shortcut in the Windows start menu => sSof/UniversRadio.

Which actions can be done ? And, how to do ?

Setting codes
Mode 1 & mode 3
Wheel mouse
Setting IDENT requestLeft mouse button
Setting StandbyLeft mouse button
Doing an interrogation
Left mouse button
Joystick (see UR Control Panel)
Keyboard :
  • Query : [Y]
Display on top or hide UR TransponderLeft mouse wheel on ToBottom
Keyboard :
  • [Left Alternate]+[T]
Get and release UR Transponder
as primary Window

/!\ DCS will be not able to
receive any command when
UniversRadio Transponder has focus
Middle mouse button

When UniversRadio Transponder has focus,
frequency is displayed in orange
Moving window1. Get the focus : middle mouse button
2. Press and hold left mouse button, move cursor
3. On the good position, release left mouse
You can change keys by modify ..\Saved Games\UniversRadio\UniversRadio.ini file (read included comments)

3- Screenshot

UR Transponder is setted with
00 mode 1 code
0300 mode 3 code
Normal display
UR Transponder is setted with
02 mode 1 code
0400 mode 3 code
in standby position
as OFF, it can transmit
Standby display
UR Transponder is setted with
02 mode 1 code
0400 mode 3 code
with IDENTification position
Standby display

4- Results of "QUERY" interrogation

An IFF interrogation must be done during a radar locked on.

Result and interpretationQuery window display

IFF, transponder, squawk is OFF
or contact is not locked on
Normal display
-- ---- --

It is a human A/C
with IFF code in UR CP is 000
Standby display
-- 7000 UN

It is a friend DCS AI A/C
Standby display
-- ---- FR

It is a human A/C
with same IFF code in UR CP
mode 1 code : 03
mode 3 code : 4548
Standby display
03 4548 FR

It is a human A/C
with a different IFF code in UR CP
It is a ennemy DCS AI A/C
Standby display
-- ---- EN

5- Interaction with UniversRadio ExternalRadio

ER and Transponder

When both, UniversRadio ExternalRadio and UniversRadio Transponder are launched, UniversRadio Transponder is displayed below ExternalRadio window.
UniversRadio Transponder window can be moved.

When UniversRadio ExternalRadio has focus, both windows display frequency and code in orange color.

ER and Transponder focused

Text : Tacno
TacnoWorld.fr (c) 2015 copyright UniversRadio version beta