UniversRadio DataLink

Today, UniversRadio DataLink (URDL) brings a PhotoLink between an aircraft and a tactical controller.
The transmission is secured by the UR IFF code and via UR Transponder or embedded IFF as the A-10C..

  • Aircraft :
    UniversRadio DataLink is interesting for pilots who export MFCD to additional monitors. These pilots have personal Monitor Setup files. URDL sends pictures to the tactical controller according to the channel number and IFF secured code (from UniversRadio Control Panel).
    URDL display a banner with 4 channels.
  • Tactical controler :
    The controller can be a JTAC or can be embedded in a AWACS.
    URDL displays a banner with 4 channels and a receiver monitor.

UR Datalink Overview

Launch UniversRadio Control Panel from UniversRadio DashBoard shortcut and choice “DataLink” :



In theory, ground attack aircraft with FLIR or video sensor, are the sources of UR DL ; as Su-25T / A-10A / A-10C / Ka-50 / SA-342.
Pilot can only send pictures by pressing the configured “Transmit URDL” hotkey.

From UniversRadio Control panel:

  • setup your hotkey or joystick button
  • select MFD export :
    • Left : Ka50
    • Right : A-10A, A-10C, Su-25T


JTAC or AWACS operators can receive pictures according to the following conditions.

Examples : A-10C’s Litening II , Su-25T “Shkval” , A-10A AGM Maverick, Ka50 “Shkval”

urdla10cURDLSU25T URDLA10Aurdlka50

Conditions of use

  1. Configuring the same UR Secured code : IFF mode 4
    This code can define a coalition.
  2. Tactical controller : Configuring incoming TCP:10601 port on Internet router/firewalls and launch UR Datalink.
  3. Pilot : Using MFCD default export from DCS Monitor Setup via Option menu, ex “Camera + RMFCD”, or customized export, and launch UR Datalink and activate your IFF mode 4 in the virtual cockpit or with UR Transponder.
  4. Configuring the same URDL channel (A B C D).
  5. Being in the range of communication.
PilotTactical controller

  • DCS:A-10C + IFF ON (mode 4 ON)

  • DCS:A-10A + UR Tranponder (mode 4 ON) + UR ExternalRadio

  • DCS:World Su25T + UR Tranponder (mode 4 ON) + UR ExternalRadio

  • DCS:Ka50 + UR Tranponder (mode 4 ON)

DCS:Combined Arms + UR ExternalRadio
Screen export of MFCDIncoming TCP:10601 network frames allowed in Firewalls
Same UR IFF mode 4 codeSame UR IFF mode 4 code
Same UR DataLink channelSame UR DataLink channel

custom MFCD export

Add/Copy/Edit setup file of monitor setup from this directory :

(installation directory)\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Config\MonitorSetup\

by adding RIGHT_MFCD data like this example :

/!\ You must use numerical values only /!\

_  = function(p) return p; end;
name = _('URDataLink');
Description = 'URDataLink'
Viewports =
     Center =
          x = 0;
          y = 0;
          width = screen.width;
          height = screen.height;
          viewDx = 0;
          viewDy = 0;
          aspect = screen.aspect;

     x = 1920-200;
     y = 1080-200;
     width = 200;
     height = 200;

UIMainView = Viewports.Center

Then, from options menu of DCS, choice your new Monitor setup file.

Example for a full HD (1920×1080) monitor and an export on bottom right : URdatalink.lua monitor setup file. You can copy this file (installation directory)\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Config\MonitorSetup\